Tuesday, February 15, 2011

A white guy, a Mexican, and an Iranian walk into a pastry shop...

Many of the comments from the past blog entry asked about the pastry-cemetery connection.
I will explain more in the coming week, but for now I wanted to study pastry shops themselves, so that I could understand it fully before trying to add to the mental hypothetical program of the cemetary/pastry shop.
I visited 3 nearby pastry shops, all of different traditional origins. The intent was to map the walk-up experience, as well as the interior, which was very interesting in itself.
Below are images of each shop, as well was sketches related to each shop.
Biased or not, I felt (and my partners felt) that the Persian shop was the most successful at visually taking advantage of the colorfulness of the pastries. Because it is a shotgun plan, it was also easy to visualize this shop as a part of a emotive experience. Although there were no climaxes or sad spots, I observed people walk through the store making faces or clapping with certain pastries that they noticed.

One of my desires of the emotive experience from the last blog entry was to " have a choice of what part of the cemetary to visit based on how they feel or how they want to feel". This parallels with the individual pastries. A person can pick what they decide to eat after visually given every choice. This works with Architecture, as well. When you walk through a house, you are given choices of what room to enter by visually seeing what is around.

Going through these shops made me understand the human scale vs. the pastries, and create correlations between the shops and unrelated spaces. I was also able to begin developing a vocabulary (parameters) for a pastry shop.

Parameters will be where my next entry takes me, as well as my idea of the pastry shop experience. (plan to post tomorrow)


  1. I agree from your photos that the Persian shop looks most attractive.

    bon appetit!

  2. there a few things that you can do to augment (or perhaps create another iteration) ... but finish your current thinking first! Here are our suggestions:

    Follow through and apply the lesson learned from your work on Aalto - collage the image on top of or under your drawings. I would think of what you have as process; as the final I would like you to compose ONE final image that represents the emotive qualities that you are want to reveal. They create an overlay on top of the final image, using words and arrows, clearly label and explain/point out the relationship of architecture to emotive qualities. Most of all you need to help us enter the space. What does it feel like to be in the shop and what are the sequence of emotive experiences?

    As part of the process, it might be good for you to show how you got to each of these locations or some kind of mapping that shows their relation to one another....did you drive? how are these places related within the city? are they all in the fringes? or are they all locate in one specific area? Some of this might reveal spatial conditions related to culture that might create a background for some of your ideas about herotopia. If you make a graphic and talk about this a little, it might find its way into your thesis.... or maybe not. But the idea is to really push to make meaningful graphics that start to reveal your understandings about space/architecture/place making....
