Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thesis as a Music Video

I am having trouble trying to visualize heterotopia without thinking of a cemetary (life & death). I don't think I want to be limited to the idea of cemetaries, but I am hoping I can make correlations between all of my ideas (through film, video, photography, paintings), and eventually, maybe in a few months, revisit the idea of if I can successfully show this through a specific architecture, or if I should keep moving in generalities and hope this idea will work through several types of buildings.
I came across this music video, and it seems to describe heterotopia in a 3 minute box. It is a mental reach, but this song/video works in layers in my head.
There is the light/dark, life/death, materials, feelings. Towards the buildup of the video, there is the idea of illusion vs. reality with the bucket of paint/person standing.

Musically, this song feels like circulation through a space -
it begins with a methodical quick stroll
then slowly anxiety is introduced with the high pitched strings
the walk is slowed down to a gut wrenching pause into a space full of tight spaces and dark corners
and the end climaxes with natural light slowly entering the space, and finding the exit door.
I'm wondering if maybe I should find a space that makes me feel like this and video tape it, and then study the "moments" where my emotions change.

Radiohead - Street Spirit (Fade Out)


  1. Maybe let's not use heteroptia or cemetery for two weeks. Let's use other words (and making!) to talk about what you are doing. I worry that the word itself has such a strong on naming your thesis world/blob/planet that we are going to miss other opportunities....what do you think?

  2. ... in the vein of exploring things - can you draw, diagram, collage your interpretation of the video? Also, the filming idea sounds good, but the essential step would be if you ignored heterotopia what else could it be? mean?
