Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Defining Thesis Words

Here's my first pass at the thesis words. It's not what I want, but I am moving.


  1. nice nellie...i like the organic feel in the direction you are heading. The personal nature and emotional aspects of the themes you are exploring go beyond built will be interesting to see how you make that transition down the road.

  2. I'm going to recommend something else: throw it away and start over.

    It's quite possible that words aren't helping you right now in your process. This week's assignment isn't coming at the right time or in the right way to push at the ideas you are getting at.

    So, let's go back to sketch problems. Make something and then create the words than explain what you did as a part of the thesis statement. Can you pitch to us some ideas of what you could make that either explores the dualities or an individual term. One thing that was brought up at the review was the idea of bakeries or even the idea of "everyday" mundane life. Make something about that! I think it is the sketch problems where the personal and emotive relationship to architecture will reveal itself.

  3. i can do that. i'll do some sketchup exercises and come back for some more feedback. you're right, i was tired of feeling limited by defining the word. i'll post some things soon

  4. I liked the word art! Could be a nice poster!
